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The division between our autonomous Catholic Orthodox Apostolic Church (COAC - СПАЦ) and the ОПОАТ "Apostolic Orthodox Church" ("AOC") which is headed by Vitali Kuzhevatov.

We hereby would like to inform you that the autonomous Catholic Orthodox Apostolic Church (COAC) (which initially was called Bishopric Synod of the Apostolic Orthodox Church) was established in March of 2018 by Bishop Simeon and Bishop Roman which was done in accord with the canons 89 and 90 of AOC (=Apostolic Orthodox Church):
Three bishops or more (under exceptional circumstances there can bе only two bishops) who oversee clergy and various communities have the right to unite in an autonomous church. That is a unification that is part of the Apostolic Orthodox Church and which submits to its Holy Council but remains independent regarding internal governance. The Autonomous Church follows its own rule and creates a particular body of governance that assists the bishops in their archpastoral duty.
Due to unacceptable matters of the ОПОАТ "AOC", especially the ordination (cheirothesia) by Metropolitan Vitali Kuzhevatov of the ОПОАТ "AOC" of new priests and bishops, who pursue magical, occult practices, in which Metropolitan Vitali Kuzhevatov himself participates, the church decided to separate.
In March 2018 the Autonomous Bishopric Synod of the Apostolic Orthodox Church (now COAC as introduced above) broke the Eucharistic Communion with the ОПОАТ ("AOC") headed by Vitali Kuzhevatov ( The public co-serving of Metropolitan Vitali Kuzhevatov of the ОПОАТ "AOC" with the head of the neo Hindu movement Paramahamsa Sri Swami Vishwananda who previously was ordained into priestly orders as Bishop Michael by Vitali Kuzhevatov is fraud and deception of all believers.
The "Orthodox Church" in Orekhovo-Zuyevo in truth is the center of the international Hindu sect Bhakti Marga headed by Paramahamsa Vishwananda.
In the year 2015, this "guru" was acknowledged as Mahamandaleshwar ("the one who supervises many ashrams and temples, the guardian and the pillar of Hindu faith") by all four heads of the Vaishnava sampradaya (spiritual lineage).
His biography does not only state that he "can unite with the Great Reality at will," but also mentions his abilities to materialize objects, as well as give birth to lingams (egg-like objects). Carrying out his activities on the territory of countries alien to Hinduism, in full accordance with the philosophy of bhakti and the tradition of polytheism, he recognizes and honors the "local gods" and "saints."
In Christian countries his position as a Christian bishop and the rituals in “adoration of Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary” allow his followers to overcome the cognitive dissonance between their native religious and cultural tradition, and the Hindu doctrines propagated by him.
Later other clergy members of the Apostolic Orthodox Church (AOC) and lay people joined our Catholic Orthodox Apostolic Church (COAC).
In October 2018 after the Council of the Bishopric Synod of the Apostolic Orthodox Church in Moscow (, the autonomous Bishopric Synod of the Apostolic Orthodox Church was renamed to Catholic Orthodox Apostolic Church (COAC) (
Currently, the Catholic Orthodox Apostolic Church (COAC) is the custodian of the canonical heritage of the historical Apostolic Church (AOC).
“But as for those persons, on the other hand, who, on account of some heresy condemned by holy Councils, or Fathers, withdrawing themselves from communion with their president, who, that is to say, is preaching the heresy publicly, and teaching it barehead in church, such persons not only are not subject to any canonical penalty on account of their having walled themselves off from any and all communion with the one called a Bishop before any conciliar or synodal verdict has been rendered, but, on the contrary, they shall be deemed worthy to enjoy the honor which befits them among Orthodox Christ­ians. For they have defied, not Bishops, but pseudo-bishops and pseudo-teachers; and they have not sundered the union of the Church with any schism, but, on the contrary, have been sedulous to rescue the Church from schisms and divisions.” For, “And in general we forbid all the clergy who adhere to the Orthodox and Ecumenical Synod in any way to submit to the bishops who have already apostatized or shall hereafter apostatize.“ (Canon 3 Third Ecumenical Council)

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